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Brain and Art
By:Bruno Colombo
Published on 2019-08-29 by Springer Nature

This book analyzes and discusses in detail art therapy, a specific tool used to sustain health in affective developments, rehabilitation, motor skills and cognitive functions. Art therapy is based on the assumption that the process of making art (music, dance, painting) sparks emotions and enhances brain activity. Art therapy is used to encourage personal growth, facilitate particular brain areas or activity patterns, and improve neural connectivity. Treating neurological diseases using artistic strategies offers us a unique option for engaging brain structural networks that enhance the brain’s ability to form new connections. Based on brain plasticity, art therapy has the potential to increase our repertoire for treating neurological diseases. Neural substrates are the basis of complex emotions relative to art experiences, and involve a widespread activation of cognitive and motor systems. Accordingly, art therapy has the capacity to modulate behavior, cognition, attention and movement. In this context, art therapy can offer effective tools for improving general well-being, quality of life and motivation in connection with neurological diseases. The book discusses art therapy as a potential group of techniques for the treatment of neurological disturbances and approaches the relationship between humanistic disciplines and neurology from a holistic perspective, reflecting the growing interest in this interconnection.

This Book was ranked at 17 by Google Books for keyword Art.

Book ID of Brain and Art's Books is jSmsDwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byBruno Colombohave ETAG "N16ZBGtGZ24"

Book which was published by Springer Nature since 2019-08-29 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9783030235802 and ISBN 10 Code is 3030235807

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Book which have "182 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical

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This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

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