New Testament and Christian Apocrypha
By:François Bovon
Published on 2009 by Mohr Siebeck
This volume of Kleine Schriften reflects Francois Bovon's two major fields of research: Luke-Acts on the one hand, and early Christian Apocrypha on the other. He insists on the ethical and missionary practices of the early Christian communities. The apostle Paul's ethical concern is presented not as an opposition between good and evil, but as a crescendo from the good to the best. The authority of John, the author of the Book of Revelation, is described in a nonhierarchical way as the care of a brother for his brothers and sisters rather than of a father. Women ministry is attested in recently discovered portions of the Acts of Philip. This collection of essays shows also how doctrinal positions were reached in the middle of strong tensions. Such is the witness of the Fragment Oxyrhynchus 840 in favor of a spiritual purification. Francois Bovon is also attentive to the reception of the earliest Christian documents in the Late Antiquity period. As a whole he describes aspects of early Christianity in its variety but also in its unity.
This Book was ranked at 21 by Google Books for keyword Christian.
Book ID of New Testament and Christian Apocrypha's Books is JQKyfwYlQV4C, Book which was written byFrançois Bovonhave ETAG "3G1DEstpnfM"
Book which was published by Mohr Siebeck since 2009 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9783161490507 and ISBN 10 Code is 3161490509
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "381 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryReligion
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This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in en
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