Psychoanalytic Responses to Childrenês Literature
By:Lucy Rollin,Mark I. West
Published on 1999-03-01 by McFarland
With the growing emphasis on theory in literary studies, psychoanalytic criticism is making notable contributions to literary interpretation. Sixteen chapters in this work explore the psychological subtexts of such important children's books as Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio, Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach, Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows, Louise Fitzhugh's Harriet the Spy, Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper, and E.B. White's Charlotte's Web. Drawing on the ideas of such psychoanalytic theorists as Sigmund Freud, Alice Miller, D.W. Winnicott and Jacques Lacan, it analyzes the psychological development of characters, examines reader responses, and studies the lives of authors and illustrators such as Beatrix Potter and Jessie Willcox Smith.
This Book was ranked at 19 by Google Books for keyword Children's.
Book ID of Psychoanalytic Responses to Childrenês Literature's Books is 2M3iHCtpzRsC, Book which was written byLucy Rollin,Mark I. Westhave ETAG "0I9VxLYAQWQ"
Book which was published by McFarland since 1999-03-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780786437641 and ISBN 10 Code is 0786437642
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Book which have "190 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryLiterary Criticism
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